Adored Norwegian Wood and Remains of the Day. Also quite liked Tokyo Ueno Station. The Japanese can do mood novels so well, and even though I know Ishiguro is British, I’ve always found he has a certain Japanese sensibility that other British authors of course lack. I remember in an interview him mentioning his books are super different from Japanese lit, and I really think he’s wrong about that.

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Totally agree with what you said about Ishiguro (although I haven’t heard that interview). I’ve read two of his books and his writing has this quiet, slow, atmospheric that’s characteristic of most Japanese novels.

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I’m glad you see that too! Which books have you read? I’ve read them all except The Unconsoled, which I heard is his worst.

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Only The Remains of the Day and Never Let Me Go. What do you think should I read next? I’ve listened to this NY Book Review podcast and one of the guests said that The Unconsoled was her favorite Ishiguro so I kind of got interested in that.

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Haha, well, don’t let me stop you! My favourites of his are The Buried Giant and An Artist of the Floating World. Both brilliant, and Artist is his most Japanese book.

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thank you! adding both if these to my TBR then!

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Let me know what you think!

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I'm a big fan of the four of these I've read-- which means I need to move Happy Hour and Tokyo Ueno Station to the top of my tbr! I sped through The Sun Also Rises while I was in Spain in the spring, and I loved the way its plotless-ness mirrored how meandering and atmospheric my little vacation felt. Thanks for the recommendations!

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Ahhh that’s a wonderful feeling. Gave me an idea to read Tokyo Ueno Station again before I visit Tokyo this year.

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Remains of the day 🙂‍↔️😍

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I think about that book all the time!

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I've been seeing Happy Hour around it looks so intriguing! I loved Remains of the Day and Writers & Lovers (one of the only good things to come from my BOTM subscription). I haven't read Norwegian Wood yet because The Wind Up Bird Chronicle kind of did me in... what a weird man that Murakami!! I love this idea though all vibes no plot

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Happy Hour is so fun!! I hated The Wind Up Bird Chronicles. I didn’t like the ending plus it was so longggg. I couldn’t see the point. But oh my the writing is so so good!

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Jam, really enjoyed this post as it opened a new line of thinking, especially with regard to A Sun Also Rises. Like you, I generally need some action to stay interested in a story. Doesn’t have to be explosions or people dying, just the characters doing something besides getting up and eating, working. I think too much contemplation leads to bed sores. We gotta get up and move, enjoy life. Emma Cline’s The Guest didn’t just lack action, the character lacked soul as she grifted around the tony enclaves of Long Island. Didn’t hold my interest. Reading Orbital by Samantha Harvey about a day in the life of a group of astronauts in the space station. It’s a quiet story, focusing on how they orbit at 17,000 mph without going anywhere. I’m having to try hard get much out of it, especially since I’m reading it as a comp to my own WIP novel. You’ve inspired me to look a little deeper. Thanks.

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think too much contemplation leads to bed sores. - Love this!!

I haven’t read The Guest yet but I was planning to read it sometime. Maybe I’ll park it a little longer then. I just googled Orbital and wow it has an interesting premise!

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